It’s Not You, It’s Your Website

work on website and fix

You can definitely learn from your mistakes, but when it comes to managing a website any fallback is an advantage for your competitors. However, if you take the time to do your research you can avoid making errors, and smoothly run your webpage.

At SEO Guys, we’ve created, managed, consulted and seen so many websites, that we can easily spot all sorts of underlying issues. Our team cooperatively decided to share the experience, and ease the journey for anyone interested! Keep reading to find out some of the most common, but not obvious, website mistakes.

  • Not Mobile Friendly

    Nearly half of all web traffic occurs from mobile devices, due to that, it’s a dramatic mistake to undermine your appearance on that platform. Your website design has to be responsive, meaning you provide the same high quality experience across all gadgets.

    Don’t hesitate to invest in mobile app development, and general web design optimization. This will pay off, hence if a visitor is thrown off by a webpage on their phone, they’re most likely not going to visit it again on a computer. So stop losing potential customers and start developing.

  • Is Your Website Attention-Grabbing?

    Generally, users form an opinion in half a second. That means that as soon, as your page loads, you have to let people know why they should choose you.

    Even if everything else is perfect, viewers will press the back button, if it’s impossible to easily make a decision regarding your content. As a result, your landing page is the most important part of the website, it’s the representation of your brand. Clearly lay out what’s your business about, without being tedious and lengthy. To avoid that, try using bullet points, illustrations and bold text

  • Stop Hiding Your Address

    This can seem obvious, yet many websites miss out on being accessible. There are no cons in frequently displaying your NAP (Name, Address, Telephone Number), so don’t be precautious with it. Simply dedicate a little area on the most important pages of your website, for contacts.

    Moreover, keep the information up to date, in case of any changes. By simply forgetting to change the phone number, you’re giving away your clients. In this digital era, no one is going to keep trying to reach you, when there are so many other businesses in the market.

  • Confusing Design

    With constant pressure from competition and constantly evolving trends, it’s easy to overdo on the visuals.

    Try to view your website from the public’s perspective – is it easy to read and navigate? Are the illustrations relevant? Is it pleasing on the eye?

    To avoid troubles with your design, it’s very important and beneficial to develop a particular theme, color scheme and a choice of fonts, when setting up.

    Stick to these decisions and if you still want to make changes, make sure they correspond well with the website overall.

We hope you found our observations useful and set yourself up for success. No matter what you do, stay genuine and dedicated.

SEO Guys.